OpenRoads Designer Survey
This 2-day course exposes students to the entire workflow for using OpenRoads Designer (ORD) Survey. Students import data from a number of sources, reduce it to coordinates, display the results and correct coding errors. The data is then used to generate reports for uploading, terrains for design and graphics for planimetrics. This course is recommended for surveyors and others who will use ORD Survey for the office-side of preparing survey data to pass on to designers.
This 2-day course exposes students to the entire workflow for using OpenRoads Designer (ORD) Survey. Students import data from a number of sources, reduce it to coordinates, display the results and correct coding errors. The data is then used to generate reports for uploading, terrains for design and graphics for planimetrics.
This course is recommended surveyors and others who are will use ORD Survey for the office-side of preparing survey data to pass on to designer and/or uploading. It provides an in-depth look at the entire project workflow. This course is taught using KYTC standards and configuration.
Topics include: Importing Survey data from a number of formats; using the Text Import Wizard when a text file does not meet one of the prescribed formats; working with the Fieldbook to review and edit the data; graphically displaying the data and editing from the graphics; creating, reviewing and editing Terrain Models; creating civil geometry; creating cross sections and profiles for review of the terrains; calculating terrain to terrain volumes such as for a borrow pit.
Students should have a basic working knowledge of the previous version of MicroStation.